
The Difference Between Self-Care and Selfishness: How to Prioritize Yourself

The Difference Between Self-Care and Selfishness: How to Prioritize Yourself Do you ever feel guilty for taking care of yourself? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of people have a hard time distinguishing between self-care and selfishness. They think that if they’re taking care of themselves, they’re being selfish. But that’s not true! There …

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3 Major Benefits to Out-of-Network Counseling

Most people don’t know what happens behind closed doors in insurance companies, especially when it comes to mental health services. These kinds of services might include counseling, psychiatry, inpatient or residential treatment, and other lower levels of intensive treatment. When you’re seeking out new mental health services it might feel like your only option is …

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What Physically Happens To You When You’re Anxious?

People go about their lives feeling anxious and not knowing what they’re experiencing. That might be due to cultural reasons, lack of access to mental health information, or being consistently told by others that “it’s all in your head.” Well, it’s actually not. And here’s why. Our brains are wired for survival, so throughout the …

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Where Does Your Worthiness Come From?

Contrary to what most of us are taught, we are all born inherently worthy of love, respect, attention, and good things in life. Our society, culture, peers, and family often send us messages (directly or indirectly) that we need to earn our worthiness. For example, many people attach their worth to their physical appearance or …

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