3 Practical Ways To Self-Love
Self-Love Counseling Tampa
If you experience anxiety on the daily, it might feel impossible imagining yourself being happily content and anxiety-free. But I’m here to tell you it’s possible. Every single person has experienced anxiety at some point in their life. Anxiety is natural stress response. It was created to decipher between threats when we lived in the …
Unless you’re living in a cave, you’ve heard of the word anxiety. I’m sure you’ve also heard your girlfriend, coworker, or a second cousin proclaim: “I have anxiety”. But “anxiety” isn’t just bestowed upon the lucky. The ugly truth about anxiety is that we all have it and it doesn’t go away if we ignore …
Is your guilt controlling you? Chronic feelings of guilt are shown to be caused by a variety of reasons. These are derived from 4 reasons: your actual behavior, how you perceive your behavior, feeling you failed at helping someone else, and feeling you should have done something that you didn’t do. At the core of …
You’ve probably heard the phrase “doing the work” by now. If not, let me catch you up to speed. It’s become a pretty common expression when talking about therapy. Let me break it down to what it looks like. But what exactly does “doing the work” in therapy actually look like? Does it mean getting …
At first glance these two guys might sound similar but they couldn’t be more different. Here I’ll explain the differences between co-dependent and inter-pendent markers and how they impact us. In a healthy relationship there’s an equal give and take. There’s a mutual dependence on one another. A co-dependent relationship is out of balance. This …