Tampa therapy

Unpacking Toxic Positivity: Why Pretending Everything Is Fine Isn’t Always Fine

In a world where positivity is often given credit as the ultimate solution to life’s challenges, the concept of toxic positivity has begun to emerge. It’s the notion that no matter how dire the circumstances, one should plaster on a smile, utter affirmations, and exude relentless optimism. While positivity in moderation can be beneficial, toxic …

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Navigating Friendship Through Life’s Transitions: Relationships, Marriage, and Parenthood

Friendships are like ships sailing through the waters of life, sometimes encountering calm seas and other times weathering storms. As individuals progress through different stages such as relationships, marriage, and parenthood, the landscape of friendship inevitably shifts. These transitions demand adaptability, communication, and a commitment to nurturing connections amidst life’s changes. When someone enters into …

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The Needs of a Relationship: Do I Stay or Do I Go?

Understanding what you want from a relationship is a crucial step towards building a fulfilling and lasting partnership. Too often, people dive into relationships without a clear idea of their own needs and desires, leading to confusion, frustration, and eventual disappointment. However, by taking the time to reflect on your values, priorities, and goals, you …

The Needs of a Relationship: Do I Stay or Do I Go? Read More »

healing burnout

Create Sustainable Change Without Burnout

Making small sustainable changes is key to creating lasting positive transformations in our lives. Often, when we embark on a journey of change, we may feel compelled to make drastic alterations all at once. However, this approach can lead to frustration, disappointment, and overwhelm, ultimately increasing the risk of burnout. Instead, adopting strategies to view …

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CBT Therapy

How Intersecting Identities Shape Us

Intersectionality, a term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, refers to the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, and other forms of identity. These intersecting identities profoundly shape our experiences, perceptions, and interactions with the world, ourselves, and others. Each identity carries an element of privilege or oppression, which also informs …

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