4 Ways To Jump-Start Intimacy

Have you ever found yourself asking: “Where did the passion go?”. Unfortunately this is an all too common of a question for people choosing to be in a committed long-term relationship. It seems after the first year or two those “butterfly” feelings seem to dissipate and irritability seems to set in. Is it possible to get intimacy and that fluttering feeling back??? You’re in luck!… this couples counselor in Tampa and relationship counselor in Tampa seems to think so.

One of the most common reasons that couples contribute to their lack to passion is: “not having enough time”. With couples working fulltime, fulfilling family demands, and child rearing- passion falls to the way side and intimacy becomes mundane. You have to prioritize your relationship for it to work. Having a couples counselor in Tampa can make this easy for you while saving time and money. If you’re not currently coupled but still want to learn these skills a relationship counselor in Tampa is your best bet.

Here’s 4 simple ways to jump start your intimacy today:

Connect. Intimacy is all about connection- both emotionally and psychically. Find a time before leaving for work and before going to bed that’s dedicated to 10-15 minutes of uninterrupted conversation time with your other half.

Date night. Never miss a date night! Date night should occur every week, or every other week at the minimum, to facilitate and sustain intimacy. It also shows your partner they’re important to you and you prioritize them. Ladies, don’t be afraid to plan a date night. Don’t leave it all up to the male species.

Phone-free. Schedule a time every night that you both agree to put the phones down and away for the night. Phones are extremely distracting and greatly impact a couple’s deeper connection. Put them away!

Face-to-face. Be mindful of physically facing each other when having conversations. When we get used to being around someone too long we unconsciously turn our backs to them which leads to a break in that physical connection. Oh, and while you’re at it make eye contact!


If you’re struggling with rekindling your intimacy, contact us today to schedule your consultation!

Work With An Experienced Therapist.